
We understand that extractions can be scary for little ones. Pulling your child’s tooth is always the dentist’s last resort when restoring their smile. Our compassionate team and variety of sedation options are here to make your child’s extraction as painless as possible, so they can get back to thriving health.

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Extractions in Houston

Why should I choose extractions for my child?

Tooth extractions are our last resort. We always strive to restore damaged teeth through other treatment whenever possible. But sometimes, extraction is the best choice to get your child’s smile back on track. An extraction can eliminate your child’s discomfort, prevent further complications, and get them back to their normal, day-to-day routine.

Houston restorative pediatric dentist

Did you know…

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Wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, with more than 10 million wisdom teeth being pulled every year.

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Call (281) 730-8080 Today

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Why Choose Us?

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Stress-Free Care

If fear is keeping you or your kiddo from scheduling an appointment, we’re delighted to offer FREE nitrous oxide with your child’s treatment! Laughing gas can help them relax during their extraction and then resume daily activities with a smile.

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Call (281) 730-8080 Today

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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The Benefits of Tooth Extractions

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The Extraction Process

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We can't wait to see you and your kiddo!

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Frequently Asked Questions

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